Thursday, 24 March 2016

The Broken Side - Rough Cut

Script Breakdown

Group: Question 3 - Evaluation

In the video Lord Leiyah is representing Entertainment Film Distributors who we think would be a good match with our British independent film as they focus on British and Irish films. One of the films they distributed which made them popular was the 80s film Teen Wolf. The character in that film plays basketball so has a sports theme. They have a good record of films for young people so that suits our teen sports drama. More recent films they have distributed are The Bad Education Movie, both Inbetweeners films and St. Trinnians. This shows they have a good record with teen films from Britain and this will hopefully happen with our film The Broken Side.

Group: Question 4 - Evaluation

Jainisha: Question 1 - Evaluation

Monday, 21 March 2016

Jainisha: Evaluation - Question 7

apologies for the small sized writing in slide 4 and 7, I've written it out below:

slide 4 - How have our location, props and costumes improved?  Looking back at our preliminary I don't think there's much improvement because the location, props and costumes weren't really a big issue for us in the preliminary, the two actors are wearing their normal day to day clothing they would usually wear when attending school, they were dressed laid back however I do think their costumes should've been more professional, it was located in a student social room and that was expected because that's where most students go to chat to their friends, the main props was a phone and books which was clearly shown where one of the characters had a phone in her hand and received many messages and were also seen looking at books.  In our final product it was a lot harder for us to get the location and props right. The characters costumes clearly represented who they were, for example the coach was dressed in baggy gym shorts and was wearing a hoodie. I think we could have improved in props because the doctors office didn't really look a lot like a doctors office, there should've been more medical posters or other items you would typically see in a doctors office however we did have a laptop and a pile of files, we had a boxing bag which was a key prop for us because that's what gives away the genre, it was very difficult for us to find one but we managed to get one at the end. I think the locations also fit in with the scenes for example the run down basement where Baqer traines.

Slide 7 - Improvements in planning, storyboarding and organization? In terms of planning, storyboarding and organization I think we have improved a lot since our preliminary task because for our preliminary we didn't really do any pre production planning besides writing a script and a storyboard. The first preliminary task didn't go to plan so we had to do a new one, in a rush. We wrote out a script and made a storyboard on paper. In order to not make the same mistake we did with our preliminary we did many things before actually filming our opening.  Before writing out the script we looked at the conventions, this helped us immensely because it made our scripts look a lot more professional. After choosing the final script we made a storyboard using celtx which isn't on paper, we did a lot more shots of the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly during actual filming. We also made a shot list and shooting script to mostly help the director and camera man out and to know where the camera should be and what it should be doing as well as the actors. We also made a production schedule which is an overview of what we will need during the filming process, after that we made a call sheet which is a more detailed production schedule which states what time everyone should be on set, where on set and everyone's responsibilities and also the nearest hospital in case of injuries.  This whole process before actual filming improved our organization skills and made a huge impact, we only had a few problems where our camera's exposure was too high but it was easy to film all over again because of the shot list and shooting script and storyboard. We also had an issue with one of our actors, our doctor failed to show so we had to think on our feet and one of our group members, Nasima, played the role of the doctor.