Wednesday 6 January 2016

Story and Narrative

Story and Narrative

Conventional storyline for a sports drama

-Should be inspirational
-Making tough decisions
-Shows maturity
-Bad boy/girl turns bad
-Do it/leave it because of love

Laura Mulvey (1975) The ‘Male Gaze’
The concept of the gaze can be interpreted as how an audience views the people presented. However for feminism it is seen in three different ways: How men look at women, how women look at themselves, how women look at other women. Laura Mulvey believes that women in films/media are presented for the visual pleasure of men, to be looked at, in a way that sexually excites. These are normally shown through close up shots of the female character in the film, or in camera shots that lingers on the curves of the female character/actress. This relegates women to be objectified. Female audience members are also encouraged to view women from a male's perspective.

This theory has been criticized because in other forms of media some women may enjoy being looked at, e.g. beauty pageants. Also the ‘gaze’ doesn’t just have to be directed towards the other gender, it can be directed to the same gender for reasons that are not all sexual like comparisons of body image and/or clothing.  

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