Wednesday 11 November 2015

Preliminary task Analysis

The role I had taken in the preliminary task was script writing, this meant that I had to take into consideration the courses of action which included: idea generation, research, planning, characters and then writing. I would say that it was a challenge to follow through with such courses of action as I had difficulty in coming up with an idea to follow through. Not only that based on the script I had to direct the actors (Jainisha and I) to sit in specific places and act certain ways. From this role I learn’t that I needed to take a lot more time to come up with a script that would last around a minute and a half. This is because in the first video we took the video only lasted for around fifty-seven seconds meaning the script wasn't long enough.

Also, the pre-production of the script and storyboard wasn't the best. In our first video that we made, the main reason why the preliminary task lasted fifty-seven seconds is because the script wasn't long enough so some of the lines had to be improvised, but because the words were not always the same we found that it was harder to edit.

After watching the video we discovered that the camera work wasn't as effective. This is because when filming match-on-action the actors arm didn't reach out for the door before the close-up so when viewing the final video we noticed this. However, the 180 degree rule was done well and when watching we didn't get confused when an actor was suddenly on the wrong side but when filming shot reverse shot actor A would be seen talking and instead of seeing the response of actor B we could only hear her talking through most of it despite fully completing the shot reverse shot later on. This made the video seem uninteresting and feel like the video was taking longer to end.

Overall the continuity editing could have been improved and as a second attempt we had learn’t mistakes we did through class feedback and in my opinion I believe that the things we need to mostly improve on is, camera work, editing and script writing. The skills we would need to acquire before the actual production of our own film opening would be to build up on mistakes and notice them quicker so that we can improve them just as quick before any set deadline. We would also need a better understanding of the different types of rules in editing that will help us execute the editing part of our film opening.

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