Monday 23 November 2015

Representation - Class

The genre my group decided on was a sport drama. Sport dramas are mainly popular with teens and young adults as that's who is usually the main character. Class in these films class can be easily identified as working to middle class. Examples are where a white American girl in her teens who finds a horse in the wild and she goes from zero to hero or a black African American who lives in the 'hood' and makes his way into the NFL or NBA.

These films usually follow Todorov's theory which is the three step narrative structure of the equilibrium then disequilibrium and resolution. 

These type of films have stereotypical representations as I stated before such as the movies Blindside which follows the fame of an athlete who was once in poverty or a rich girl going to become equestrian. In the film Coach Carter it begins with what seems to be a run down place which suggests that the film is set in a lower class area which is conventional in these type of films, they usually represent class by using ethnic minorities struggling with life.

The film Moneyball starring Jonah Hill and Brad Pitt shows the middles class and how they look at sport, the working class usually see sports as diversion to their normal life and to get away from stress whilst the middle class are usually apart of the sport being managers which Moneyball shows.

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