Saturday 5 December 2015

Preliminary Task Analysis

In my preliminary task, I was in charge of the camera work and script.

The script was more difficult than I had expected as generating an idea or theme to use through the clip was hard. The final script wasn't long enough either, it only came up to 51 seconds. A possible (and most likely) reason for this is because I hadn't set out enough time for me to create a brand new script from scratch and so it was rushed.

The camera work was difficult in that I didn't have much experience with it. One of the places it's most obvious is that one of the actors is closer to the camera than the other and could possibly be jarring for the audience. There are some other mistakes throughout the video such as at the beginning when the shot is not in focus and you can hear my voice. In the future, I'll make sure to review the clips I've shot before using them.

Our preliminary task was mostly well done. For our final film opening, we'll need to review the clips before using them and make a routine to make sure we completely fine-tune our skills.

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